Be High... Not dead, stop smoking cigarettes.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Jam Dat

So I was asking for a smoking story and I sure got one... If you're ever sitting there baked not knowing what to do, i'll tell you there is nothing more physically and emotionally sound then a Phil Collins Jam Sess. (Dedicated to the two other that made this possible) Turn on a little Phil Collins "In The Air Tonight" and let the simple tunes take you into a high strung yet low mood epic JAM SESS. Im not kidding go do it right now and tell me you don't feel like you instantly learned the drum part for that song... cause to be honest you didn't and you actually do look like a idiot doing it. But guess what when your up in the sky ready to fly there is nothing that can bring you down...If you not High what's the Point.

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