Be High... Not dead, stop smoking cigarettes.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Its now "Inspiring" not fun... --Security never really knows hehe--
Its apparent that High Point has changed over the last ten years. Many people are believing that its for the better, but thats not true in all cases. The famous quote here at HPU was formally know as "At High Point University, every student receives an extraordinary education in an FUN environment with caring people." Now with the changing of the school they seemed to have changed the focus to. "At High Point University, every student receives an extraordinary education in an INSPIRING environment with caring people." (They Literally Yank The Fun Right Out Of High Point)Sure its a good thing to have a college where you know your kid is being treated right and not getting into much trouble. Is that what's really happening though? High Point has really tightened security lately to the point where a Frat was told to stop throwing a football in there own front yard?? Many nights parties are broken up so early that dorm rooms are beginning to be a place for partying. Things get broken this way. Anyway I don't care HPU can do what they want they will never take away the true character of the HPU students. They might be able to hide it on parents weekend with there lobster dinner and the lawn mowers adjusted to mow two inches lower. The thing is we are really what makes High Point and with out us they would be nothing. Stay strong HPU nation... If your not HiGh what's the PoInT?!?

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