Be High... Not dead, stop smoking cigarettes.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Put the roach down light up another L cause I'm BACK

Yessir, I'm back at it. I had a long summer so didn't get time to keep you updated on whats gooooddd!?!?! So as you might know HPU is now a part of my past, I loved every minute of it and will never forget the people I met there. HPU might not have been the best educational choice I made but its the best thing that ever happened to me. It taught me about life and what it really takes to succeed. Furthermore I am now on the move and making something of my life, more of that later. For now I just wanted to announce the come back and to tell all to keep a close watch.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Summer is in Heat

With Summer approaching fast and our inevitable departure from oh so beautiful High Point University. THANK GOD RIGHT!!!!! We are free ladies and gentleman, it will be official in two weeks time. Yes it will be yet another bittersweet exit back to our hometowns, but it is another year we grow older and wiser. For some they will choose to grow dumb and dumber however thats there problem. What summer brings is good food and a warm bed. It is for most of us, our safe heaven from the hardships of college. It is important not to forget good old HPU however. For some of us this will be the last time they can call High Point there home and will be moving on to bigger and better things. The returnees get a few months to recuperate until the next semester begins. But really on a serious note it is important to say goodbye to everyone who is worth something to you, for there life could altered in the summer months and there paths taking them else where. Keep in touch and don't lose the bond that was created throughout the year. Your friends at HPU are different then what you think. These will be the people shaping your future and sometimes you cant see that until there gone. We need to stay united at our school, because otherwise were Fucked. Ok so anyways take into account who is really important to you and keep them near you. Do not let them get away...Ever. Everyone I hope the best on Finals.

F- Fuck
I- I
N- Never
A- Actually
L- Learned
S- Shit

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Countdown

16 school Days left!, what does that mean to you?
1. I have no money for weed.
2. Damn I need to start doing work.
3. Fuck class.
4. How am I going to get home?
5. If I smoke and study I should take the test high...
6. Its legally to nice out to do work.
7. This teacher is bullshit.
8. Starting to get more and more calls from home.
9. I forgot how to study.
10.Dining dollars diminished to ZERO.
11.WTF pollen honestly.
12.Beach Party at DELTA SIGMA PHI.
13.Telling yourself your grades are fine, when you know your fucked.
15.Realizing being tan is essential at HPU.
16.Sufing on the web has become 57% of your day.

Monday, April 12, 2010

They Need To Know

Many times we ask ourselves what the key to a women's heart is? But on those rare occasions when we find the women asking what the key to a mans heart is, the answer must be clear as shit. Literally shit more specifically shitting... Thats just it, letting a man embrace the true zen in his "bathroom break" is the I95 highway to a mans blood pumper. Yes poop is gross, get over it and be open to the following. When a man enters into his domain all else becomes invisible... a place where no one is willing to enter nor do they desire too. This is the kind of atmosphere, one of total equilibrium in the mans brain that allows his to release all of the physical and even emotional waste in this body. A flow of guilt, hard work, beer, and anger come out during this period and a new fresh man walks out of the door.
*The bathroom is a mans escape when reality shits on him*

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

High Point Buds Into Cronic

With great weather finally here in North cakalaka, I have seen a different side of HPU. Drinking in public, girls in bikinis, a real college? The sun has sprouted the seed of the students of High Point. Classes have officially become a optional thing and a hour at the pool is now required. I now see people I don't know when I walk to class signs of a real college campus. Why did it take good weather for everyone to realize that hugging there bongs and watching the real house wives with there girlfriends isn't reality. Dumbass's. Well I don't care what did it but HPU is somewhat a nice place to be this time of year. Then again I just got a ticket for being in 15 minute parking for 19 minutes, my bad High Point... Check back later I'm out.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Eyes Wide Shut...

What do you call it when you have one of those day that that make the bottom of your private parts tingle a little bit? Perfection, which was the definition of this past weekend at the U of the Vill. Boxing by day hot boxing a Acura with frozen smiles and tears of joy by night. Everyone should be cautious of the people that you chose to spend your time with. At some point in life you will need the people that will make you laugh your ass off and make you say "This is the best fucking day in my life, I have never been happier." When you have friends and people like that the sky is the limit. At other times you need the ones you truly love in every way, but that perfect balance is what creates the effect of Eyes Wide Shut. Think about it metaphorically your eyes are shut because you are laughing so hard but at the same time they are wide open so you can witness the faces of those people that created your smile. If you cant think that deeply smoke then re read this...C.A.R.J.P

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Who's Hot enough to be the HIGHEST!?

Like I said in the start of my blog My goal is to find the hottest college girl that loves to rip the fuck out of a ...bong. So the search begins, I will be working through my blog and through face-book to start my search. HPU defiantly has what it takes to smoke with the best but does it have the hots like the rest?

The thing is about this search is its not just looks. Im a pothead other things other then hot looks attracts me...Think you have what it takes? Visit the Facebook group highest hottie. The winners will be sent to HIGH TIMES magazine?